
The fall of Damascus


The Syrian crisis began quietly in 2009, amid diplomatic handshakes and smiles, when John Kerry met President Assad, who had succeeded his father as Syria's leader, in Damascus. Kerry intended to formalize Washington's ultimatum to the Arab Republic of Syria: Assad was to abandon his traditional Russian allies, the Palestinians, the Iran of the Ayatollahs and then the Hezbollah military political movement that was Tehran's arm in Lebanon and start a new policy favourable to the United States, Europe, Turkey and Israel. In return, he would have remained in power and retained his prestige and grip on the nation, presented to the world by the big Western media as a wise and enlightened president. Otherwise Syria would have been destroyed and partitioned, as had already been predicted and indeed happened with Gaddafi's Libya.


Between myth, struggle, eternity, for a new Aristocracy of the Spirit


“The eternity of myth is embodied in struggle”, was a slogan of epic order, historically used in marches, political demonstrations and later concerts: it, to all intents and purposes, represents a worldview (weltanschauung) strongly inspired by the doctrine of Julius Evola that characterized and traversed - together with the anti-capitalist and corporatist demands for social justice - the metapolitical path of the Third Political Theory (3TP) in Italy, from the beginnings of ordinovism and national avant-gardism to continue in the following decades with Lotta di Popolo, Terza Posizione, Meridiano Zero, Forza Nuova, Casa Pound and various other minor groups of the national-popular constellation, and finally reaching the threshold of the Fourth Political Theory (4TP) with its idea of Imperium with an unscathed spirit and a steadfast soul.

Let us think about the fall of Assad's regime


The 'moderate rebels' create a Wahhabi state in western and central Syria with the support of the West and Turkey. Thousands of people (Christians, Druze, secular, Alawites, Sunnis and Shiites) are being killed for religious or political reasons.