Between myth, struggle, eternity, for a new Aristocracy of the Spirit
“The eternity of myth is embodied in struggle”, was a slogan of epic order, historically used in marches, political demonstrations and later concerts: it, to all intents and purposes, represents a worldview (weltanschauung) strongly inspired by the doctrine of Julius Evola that characterized and traversed - together with the anti-capitalist and corporatist demands for social justice - the metapolitical path of the Third Political Theory (3TP) in Italy, from the beginnings of ordinovism and national avant-gardism to continue in the following decades with Lotta di Popolo, Terza Posizione, Meridiano Zero, Forza Nuova, Casa Pound and various other minor groups of the national-popular constellation, and finally reaching the threshold of the Fourth Political Theory (4TP) with its idea of Imperium with an unscathed spirit and a steadfast soul.